The Southern States Regional Morgan Show is in Raleigh every Memorial Day weekend. Last year I went to watch and get a feel for the show. This year I said eh, let's enter the kid in every class he qualifies for, see what happens.
It ain't cheap, these breed shows. When I calculated my total for class fees, a stall for the week, office fee, USEF fee, blah, blah, blah, I showed the total to hubby. He said well, I think we should call it "training and entertainment", and for a few days' worth, it ain't bad!
How do you argue with that kind of support?
Getting a haircut! |
Then grooming every day for a few months to make his coat extra shiny, clipping him to make sure he was nice and neat looking, making sure his bridle and new halter fit properly, keeping everything cleaned and oiled. The truck and trailer were washed inside and out, trailer packed with anything we might need away from home, and for me to camp in at the fairgrounds - feed, hay, water buckets, and snacks and drinks for me. All the clothes and equipment we'd need to look our best. Then a weather forecast that called for serious heat the week we'd be gone, and no AC in the trailer.
The trailer was in dire need of a good cleaning. |
The show office opened on the Monday before the show, so I thought I'd stop by and get my stall assignment and look around, see if I was forgetting anything. The show started Thursday. When I got to the grounds, it was already humming. The show office warned me that if I planned to show up on Wednesday afternoon, I might have problems finding a spot to park my trailer. Grooms were getting stalls ready, cleaning tack, setting up areas for the riders and trainers to sit and relax between classes. I walk through all this, looking for my stall, and think "what have I done?" I'm bringing my baby to this big show for his first time out. I've never done this breed show thing. I've never traveled with Joker. I haven't slept in the trailer for ages. I'm a one woman band and most of the other competitors have trainers and grooms and people to help. I've never even competed in Sport Horse anything, so who knows if we've been practicing right...
Packing the trailer is the equestrian version of Tetris |
Anyone have a paper bag for me to start breathing into?
Too late to back down now. So home to finish packing up the trailer, guessing how much hay I'll need, setting aside extras in case something is lost or broken. While I could ask hubby to bring something to the show grounds if I forgot it, I didn't want to have to do that.
When the time came to head to the show grounds, I was too nervous to drive. Hubby said he'd drive, I could follow in my car and he'd drive it home. We got Joker set up in his stall. Hubs found a spot in the shade to park my home away from home. Not terribly close to Joker or to the bathroom/showers on the grounds, but shade was a priority if it was going to be that hot. Got some of my stuff unpacked. Walked Joker around a bit to let him see things. Got a bite to eat. Hubby left to go home and take care of the animals and said he'd be back in the morning to watch us. So it was me and Joker, left alone....
And then it happened:
Got my fan. Got my hay. Happy boy! |
You know how the story ends, and how pleased we are with the kid. Hubby decided that we should keep on building Joker's resume, and look professional while doing it, so I got a nice set of "luggage" for our next adventures. I'm hoping to see new friends at future shows.
Sunrise from the trailer. Time to feed and get ready for the day! |
And Joker enjoyed a week to relax and think about his venture into the big leagues before he went back to training. Ready for our next outing!
Happy Trails!
Yes, they even brought fake shrubs and stone columns |
And then there was me. But I was neat and tidy! |
My new grooming and equipment bags, in my barn colors, with the farm monogram. |